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Membership Renewal

Please complete the form on this page if you are an existing club member renewing your membership. This does not apply to Life Members.

Renewal fees are £15.00 for single or family memberships, whilst those in full time education only pay £5.00. These fees are reduced to £7.50 and £2.50 after 1 October.

New members wishing to join the club should complete the membership form on the JOIN US page via the button below.


Membership cards will be posted out once payment has been received for those who select the internet or telephone banking option, otherwise cards will be handed out on a club night once payment has been received, either via the bank or in cash.

If paying by internet or telephone banking,
please make payment directly to the club’s
bank account:

Account  name    

The Beverley and District Motor Club Limited

Sort code    40-25-15

Account      71121707

Please complete this form if you are an existing member renewing your membership for 2025.

Thanks for renewing your membership.
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